Where are my thumbs " - Videogames Blogs

Where are my thumbs "

 I'm trying to add support for spr.more in LevelEditor (so that we keep seeing monsters positioning while editing DreamLand maps ;) but it doesn't work well. After some debugging, I realize that the values for the 'animation number' stored in the first word of the 'TINY' section make no sense. Animation #17000 " with 48 animations per sheet "A simple test with ./sprdo confirms that even if I just load-and-save a file that has meaningful thumbs numbers, we end up with bogus numbers in the saved file.Still wondering what thumbs I'm talking about " They are still 32x32 images produced while saving animations in AnimEDS that are then used in LEDS for monsters edition.Watching the memory backing my vector through execution, I finally found a suspicious set of `free()` statements at the end of the 'extra/unknown data blocks to set of MEDS animations' function.The history of that function is that it abstracted something from `spr.load` script statement so that `spr.more`can exist. When it is done with them, the GameScript used to dispose of remaining really-unknown data blocks. Such as thumbnails. They won't be needed while we play the game and they eat up significant amount of memory.Then, there was the code of SpriteEditor, the FileModel, to be precise. It had been updated so that it could invoke the same sort of 'FromExtras' function, but since we're not interested in MEDS animations while editing sprites, template magic makes this whole function unused. And...

The Dark Pictures Anthology : House of Ashes - Bande-annonce (Date de sortie annoncée) VOSTFR
