TileMap - Videogames Blogs


I had a remark in my notebook, wrote a few months ago, where I felt it weird that some parts of the game engine would require a SpriteSet where they actually needed information about the level map, and that the SpriteSet class was actually the only object capturing the map pointer, as well as its dimensions.

I then realised there was several places in the code where you'd load a map from a file, and it was tricky to use only one of them because one is within SpriteSet and the other (in the level editor) has no use of such a SpriteSet. It was time to introduce a new class with informations about a loaded map. Refactoring things went pretty fine and I could even repair a few things thanks to the 'unit-testing' tools (and thanks to the 'watchpoint' feature of ddd).
Well, I realise that doesn't mean a lot. That's all I could craft since I'm on holiday, I'm afraid. Happy new year.


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