School Rush : Post your score - Videogames Blogs

School Rush : Post your score

it has been almost one year since the last release of Bilou : School Rush. Through unpractical ideas, oversophistication and deep engine refactories, I finally get something to share with you. Here is maybe the penultimate release bringing 1-UPs and hi-score tables to School Rush.

Voici enfin une nouvelle release de School Rush. Je laisse donc tomber les options trop complexes pour me concentrer sur ce qui compte vraiment pour le jeu: les 1-UPs, le calcul du score (distance parcourue si on ne finit pas le jeu ou temps écoulé si on le termine).

So, compared to the previous builds,

you can get 1-UPs by collecting letters. Everytime you get one, the next one will be more "expensive", though.every loading screen show how long it took you to get there and how far was that "there".there is a "congratulations" level at the end of the 'secret, good ending'there is a "game over" screenin both case, a hiscore table will show up. You'll compete for the shortest time if you found the good exist, and for going as far as possible (in pixels) if you're game new levels this time. Core gameplay unchanged. I do not have yet the code to let you enter your own name at the end of it though (that will likely be for the latest release). The purpose of this one is to ensure that the arbitrary scores mentioned as "special thanks" can be beaten. So you'll always be "Player One" and the pointing hand will not yet help...

PlayTIME #16 - Visite du studio Quantic Dream (Detroit: Become Human)
