I hate it! - Videogames Blogs

I hate it!

Let me be 100% clear. It really gets on my nerves to the point I feel like I should crush my mouse into the desk to fill better. Why on Arrakis did they had to make their operating system in such a way that every item you could think of needs a dedicated tool to be investigated. What was wrong with "everything is a file", uh "
Everything is IUnknown. Wonderful.
I wouldn't even object if you had a clear way to scan that.
Want to find the log where DbgPrint wrote stuff " Better download https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/debugview and don't mess with its settings or you won't see anything Want to figure out what devices are out there " You'll need c:program files (x86)Windows Kits...devcon.exe (that's another download for you)

Want to know what drivers are out there " that will be driverquery, sir. But maybe you want a cup of sc query first " (hopefully

Let's not even talk about where to find 'all the running applications' or their windows.
No wonder why they needed a powershell to make things start to work.
Oh, /dev, /sys, /proc. How much I miss you...


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