Dev term"
Somewhen over the winter, my "grizzly" laptop just stopped working. I think I managed to make one last backup of its content, but it just does not power up any more. So from time to time, I manage to borrow my fairy's laptop for the evening and do some nds dev 'ing, but it became increasingly unlikely these days. I've got my new boox, though, so hopefully I can still do some homebrew-ish hobby, including uploading and translating contents on my blog. Unfortunately, we're still milestones away of the ability to scribble patches with a stylus. The device l'm really waiting for is ClockworkPi's devterm. I think of it as a typewriter device you can use in an armchair, with just the amount of screen needed to get content and check for typos. I have hope that, combined with the NUC, it will allow me to get more freedomBut there's a catch. I preordered it, and it should arrive by Avril, unfortunately, no one seems to have received any update from Clockwork Pi people since early January. So I keep my fingers crossed and. really, -really- hope that I haven't fell for another 'noteslate'-like vaporware hoax.Once I'll receive my devterm kit, I'll have to go downtown and find a pair of lithium batteries to power it.
Source: Bilou HomeBrews Blog
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