Beyond the blogosphere. - Videogames Blogs

Beyond the blogosphere.

Yes, I am nostalgic of the time I had plenty of things to discover on my Google Reader, and I have a feeling that the blogosphere has disappeared -- at least the one I was part of. I'm trying to re-construct a similar network, and I came to the conclusion that twitter alone won't suffice my needs.

Ce n'est pas vraiment comme du temps de Google Reader, mais j'ai trouvé un ou deux presque-blogs intéressants. Pour ce soir, on va plutôt parler des mini-vidéos de Keith Burgun. Pour aller plus loin que les questions-réponses de Mario et Socrates, il nous propose quelques étapes qui jalonnent le chemin jusqu'à un jeu (un vrai ")

There are a few interesting things that happen on Youtube. The good thing is that they are easy to watch while I'm preparing the dinner or cleaning the kitchen mess. The bad thing is that they are hard to find back, when you want to reference them to someone. Yesterday's pick was a tube from Keithburgun about the layers that turns an interactive item into a game. Something I bet Kirby Kid would have enjoyed although he might use a different terminology.
Pick something that people can interact with, but don't give any rule, any objective, just freedom to explore what is possible and what isn't with that item: you have a toy. Some "video-games" are actually toy, although they're more often coined as "sandbox games". My early "demo levels" are typically toys. Playing "School Rush" in easy mode almost turn...

Pokémon : Let's Go, Pikachu et Évoli - Trailer de lancement (Nintendo Switch)
