1-ups... At last. - Videogames Blogs

1-ups... At last.

Finally, something good does happen when you collect letters in School Rush. Nothing fancy, and not even anything original, I'm afraid: you just get an extra life. Yet, considering the difficulty of the -final level, this might be welcome.

It required some new tools, though. Lives, hit points and collectibles are managed through counters in the game engine. counters can normally get their value defined only when you parse the level script. Then, you would only increment or decrement the counter as game events occur. Then, you can define one or more actions that happen when the counter reaches zero.

Enfin! Ça vaut enfin la peine de faire la collecte des lettres dans "School Rush". Rien que du très conventionnel, j'en ai peur (on prend une vie supplémentaire), mais bon, vu la difficulté du dernier niveau, quelques vies supplémentaires ne seront sans doute pas de refus. Mais cela ne s'est pas fait sans de nouveaux outils.
When hit points counter gets to zero, for instance, a jingle and a death animation are played. We can even force a domino effect that decreases the "lives" counter then. But that mostly works because I load level" action also allow an expression to be defined, and because you're then allowed to reset the hit points value when reloading the level.

To provide 1-ups, I had to introduce a new elementary action dubbed "setcounters" that offers that freedom out of the level-loading machinery.

Les vies, les points de vie...

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