runme + assault = todo - Videogames Blogs

runme + assault = todo

I'd love to have the time to provide a real tutorial for people to start working with libgeds. So far, the best I have is a package with 8-bitifed graphics for AppleAssault and the corresponding game/character scripts... which -- thanks to some work I did a few weeks ago -- now also comes with a copy of RunMe that can run all of that. Maybe that will at some point make it more interesting to start working with the Game Engine for DS.

Of course, because runME is a tool primarily designed to transfer files, it will not exactly be easy to start a game there.

click 'offline', then 'cmd'click 'A' to pick one of ASSAULT*.CMD, and then click the name you want to runpress now L+A to load the script into the memoryand now press L+Y to process that script to the end. When I want to run this, I do it with desmume-cli, using --cflash-path=AA-efsroot (which is in the '' archive) and --load-type=1. But that only works in Linux. For windows user, you'll have to go into config->slot2 and setup the directory manually (I just hope for Windows users that they can somehow save that configuration)

All this makes you able to try the game you're developing, but when there are errors in the script, you just have a stop with the content of the offending line dumped.
Hopefully, It can now also be checked with 'testme', the unit-testing tool for current School Rush game. (which unfortunately still requires a rebuild for Windows everytime you change the scripts you want to check).


NOUVEAU : PlayMAG #05 - Red Dead Redemption 2, SoulCalibur VI, LEGO DC Super-Vilains, etc.
