Retro-game mechanics explain: golden! - Videogames Blogs

Retro-game mechanics explain: golden!

I just went into a super video (link below) about how collision code can be exploited in Super Mario World to beat the game faster. I'm not much into speedrunning myself, but I love whatever can teach us how those old games where built and what is the logic behind their engine. And tool-assisted speedrunning quickly gets quite deep into those subjects. So let's go.
When a tile is activated, it is deleted, and a sprite version of the block will displayed in its place. When that sprite returns to its initial position, it is removed, and another tile is set in its place (usually a brown block).Well, that was an expected one. And as he explains, it was already used in SMB3 (and probably also back in SMB1). It is something I'd like to put into my own game engine as well, although the closest I have so far is simply the "mapanim" to replace tiles of a specific location on the map along an animation triggered by a collision.
The next one is a bit more unexpected.
Which tile is activated during sprite/tile collision is determined by a point that is a mix (blue) between the the sprite's position (green) and its clipping box (red). If that point is not within the tile that was activated [...] there will be block duplication.Of course, that duplication is the whole point in SMW - Level End Glitches video by RG Mech EX:  the location where to spawn the bopping block and set the new brown block won't match the original question block location, which will remain unchanged...

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