Biggest Refactory Ever - Videogames Blogs

Biggest Refactory Ever

For me, at least. I wanted to make the scripts occur as soon as possible in my tutorial series, since the GEDS engine is meant to allow game-making even for those who don't know about C++ programming. But I also want to be able to introduce a behaviour editor, which suggests that the same script-parsing logic should be able to drive either the game engine or the state machine model in the editor.

So this last week, I've been busy splitting the big singleton "GameScript" that had both the parsing logic and the engine intimacy into two classes, the ScriptParser that knows the language rules and the Game* objects well enough to create them but has no knowledge about the Nintendo DS resources or the game engine per se, and the GameScript, that knows about the engine's runtime, last as long as the level does, hold resources and the like.
ça bosse ferme ... restructuration du lecteur de scripts pour pouvoir introduire un éditeur de machines d'état ...

I've finally reached a point where all my automated tests work again. Of course, School Rush isn't running fine in this branch ... yet.

edit: Okay, SchoolRush runs fine again in the emulator. Just some un-initialized arrays. -Weffc++ should have caught that, though.


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